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Really fun and challenging! It's a nice artstyle and effects, great job it seems well fleshed out

Thx for the comment, I am pleased to know you have fun.

This game is really fun, and challenging, and has a great art style. nice job.

Hey thanks for playing, glad you have fun.

Really nice game, would be nice to always have the construction boxes on screen and for delete (W key) to be like a bulldozer icon somewhere

Hey hope you have a pleasant experience, I appreciate the feedback and will take note of it when making future adjustments.

Really cool idea! I love the art, too. The jump pads feel a bit unpredictable. I would love for the level to stay when you fail, so that you can make little adjustments quickly. Right now, I have to rebuild everything, even if I just want to move a jump pad a little bit.

Hey appreciate the feedback, I am glad you have the idea cool, I get your point on kind of the annoyance of having to rebuild everything when the level reset, it's a sentiment everyone else share, I'll review it and make the adjustments. For the jump pads may I ask if the unpredictably is something like you feel the jump is inconsistent and changes the distance and height between different jumps?

I think it behaves pretty consistently when it's placed. My issue is more with predicting how it will work when placing it. It seems like the trajectory is dependent on how I hit the pad, which was hard for me to predict. So there was a lot of trial and error involved in my case.